Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sol LeWitt (wall drawing #1131)

Sol LeWitts Wall Drawing #1131 otherwise known as Whirs and Twirls was created in 2004 at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. I chose this work because it is one of the only works Sol created in Hartford, CT, his hometown. At first, while looking through the anthology of Sol's work I didn't really get it or get conceptual or minimalistic art. But, after learning all the planning it takes to create a single work it's truly breathtaking. I really resonate with Sol's idea that the idea is more important than the execution or work itself. With this specific work, I really enjoy the contrast between the very classic look of the museum and the walls that encase it. Sol liked to create his works with a specific space in mind and through this drawing, I can see why. The concept paired with this space gives it an odd feeling of depths. Overall this work is just truly mesmerizing, 

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