Sunday, April 12, 2020

Untitled - Anna Lea Hucht

This is a painting by Anna Lea Hucht, a Berlin artist. She has created many artworks like ceramics, watercolor paintings, and drawings using a wide range of mediums. This particular art piece I have chosen from her is a still life on what looks like doll house furniture or decor for a room. The piece is Untitled. When looking at her other pieces I thought it was interesting how many of her other artwork titles were Untitled.  The subject of the painting is very simple and but overall it is very detailed. When you look at the painting closely you can see the subtle wrinkles of the cloth that the objects are laid down upon. It's fascinating how she was able to create this detailed painting just using watercolors. From my experience watercolor is not the most forgiving and predictable medium. It is super hard to control and the fact that she was able to create such details and various shades of black and grey with such control is amazing.

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