Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Mojo and Lilo


  1. Omg this is adorable! I love the different expressions on the dogs and I love the different colors you put in the background! You did a great job!

  2. i love the contrast between the dark background and the lighter dogs. it really makes them catch your eye. the dogs expressions are great as well. love the background!

  3. I really like how you went from blue to purple, creating a type of gradient effect! The dogs are so cute! I might be deeply reading into this, but I think the dog on the left reflects the mood the color blue gives off. Mojo or Lilo? looks very cool looking :)! And Mojo or Lilo looks like he or she is smiling at the viewer!

  4. I love this so much because the dogs are so cute!! They look so realistic with the way you drew the noses. I love the background too with the use of the blues and purples in the circles. All around, this is amazing!!

  5. Your background really brings out the details of the dog's face. Great job!

  6. WOW! This drawing is very creative. I love the background. You did an amazing job with it, and the colors you choose for the background makes the drawing better. The looks dogs are so cute <3

  7. I really like the different shades of blue and the contrast of the color of the dogs and a colorful but dark background!
