Monday, March 23, 2020

Jellyfish Midterm


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good job with the contrast of colors in the background. I really like the combination of colors you used, especially with the jellyfish. It looks amazing.

  2. Hi! I really love this. I love how you can see the membrane (i think thats what it is lol) of the jellyfish. This makes it look so realistic. I also love the color blue you chose to use.

  3. Wow! I see you did a lot of work since we were at school. Composition is spot on, you placed the jellyfishes in great spots. I like how you incorporated many colors within the jelly fish, it makes them look realistic. I also find it very interesting seeing this work compared to your last one using pencils. Overall, good job! I know how hard pastels can be to work with.

  4. composition is great, it reallt makes your whole eye move because of the great use of space. i also like the colors and the contrast. the details are great!

  5. I love the colors in this drawing, it really catches your eye. I also love the detail you put into the jelly fish. This really looks great!!

  6. I think you did a really good job with your composition, I think that you chose interesting angles to draw. Great work!

  7. Your composition is very interesting. I like how the colors of the jellyfish draws your eye to the different parts of the drawing.

  8. I love the colors! I also like the details and lines in the jellyfish and how you can see all its structures.
