Monday, March 23, 2020

Completed Midterm


  1. Hi Rob!
    Your drawing is so mysterious! I really like the variety of shadows you used! Your highlights contrast so well with the dark's! My eyes are drawn to her eyes, and I wonder what she is looking at.

  2. I love the shadows on this piece. I know how hard it is to make a nose look so realistic so I want to give you props on that! You did an amazing job.

  3. Immediately I think I am able to identify who this portrait is of, which I think is great. I love your use of contrast and the highlights. I'm also drawn to the hair as you created great texture.

  4. the shadows and contrast of the lights and darks were really well used. i love the hair it’s so realistic.

  5. Your shading is amazing in this drawing. The shadows with the contrast of the light is eye catching. I also love the way you drew the hair because it looks so realistic. I like that you can't see what she is looking at either, it adds mystery to the piece.

  6. wow, I love the way in which you make the details with the shadows. Also, you did a good job drawing the eyes, and nose. Bravo!!!

  7. You did a really good job capturing the shadows and highlights, which can be especially hard to do while working with charcoal. This looks just like the person you used as a model. Great job!

  8. This is awesome. You did a really great job with the portrait. My favorite part is how you captured her hair. I only wish she didn’t blend with the background but you did a great job.

  9. I really like the shading and shadows, they made the drawing look very realistic
