Wednesday, March 25, 2020

midterm drawing


  1. Oh wow this is very nice. I love how you did the hair and how you did the different shading. I also love the detail of the tub. You did a great job.

  2. I love this so much Taylor!! The use of the shading on the bathtub as well as the hair is so good. I also love how you were able to mimic wet hair and still make it look so realistic. You did an amazing job!!

  3. Hi Taylor!
    I really love the way you shaded the hair and the chrome attached to the bathtub. They look so realistic! You really brought this drawing to life!

  4. I love this so much! You did an amazing job with the whole piece, but I am especially drawn to your hair because you did such a good job with the texture of it. Great work!

  5. This drawing look beautiful and casual. you did a great job with the details, specially the hair. nice job!

  6. This is a beautiful drawing. It has a lot of emotion in it. The nozzle of the tub looks so detailed it really draws my eye. Great job.

  7. love this drawing! the way you drew her hair really shows how wet hair would look
