Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Final- "La Playa"






Final- The Master Linguist

Final Drawing



Final - Peanut



Final :)

Monday, April 27, 2020

mixed media

Mixed Media Artwork

Mixed Media

Jaanika Peerna

This painting is called Falls of Solitude by Jaanika Peerna who is an Estonian artist born in 1971. Many of her works appear simple at first but upon closer looks, there is much more detail. I love how some of her simple paintings actually have so much detail within them. 

Jaanika Peerna

Her works are interesting.  However I don't particularly like or dislike them. They really don't evoke much feeling in me.  I selected this one because I could clearly see several images within it and it makes me  look further.

I Have Nothing To Offer But Blood, Toils, Tears and Sweat

Jaanika peerna

    Jaanika used paper graphite, and color pencil on mylar to complete this artwork. I choose this one because I like how she constantly uses small lines to make up the form of a circle in this drawing.

Mixed media

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable (tribute to Coach Kayle) mixed media

I used chalk pastel, watercolor, food coloring, recycled stickers, fabric (from an old bathing suit), and latex (from the swim cap I wore during this race)

Mixed Media

I used charcoal, colored charcoal pencils, black pens, and a black sharpie to try to achieve a portrait made mostly from the use of shadows.

Jaanika Peerna

I chose this piece because I love her use of lines. They are very thin and precise, and can be interpreted as many different textures. The lack of color also adds a simple and sophisticated look.

Mixed media

mix media

Mixed Media UB

Mixed Media- Molly

Jaanika Perrna

Jaanika Peerna’s art work is very interesting. In the video she talks about all her work being associated with constant movement. I like her work. I think it’s very simple yet very beautiful. This piece is called Falls of Solitude it’s worth 3,200 euros. Looking at it it is so beautiful but watching the video of how she creates her work is so simple.

not so silent ripples of gravity

I chose this piece because it was one of her performative works. She worked in unison with a cellist who played as she rhythmically used her hands to make marks on this cloth. I feel this shows that abstract art is more than just lines on paper more than just thoughtlessly thrown paint and that not everyone can do it. you can tell that there is a lot of planning and preparation in her work and she gives the viewer an enhanced experience by mixing media in a nontraditional way such as combining drawing, dance, and music. 

Finished drawing

Jaanika Peerna

When looking at Jaanika Peerna's artwork. This one, in particular, caught my eyes. The reason why is because of the symmetry and repetition of shapes you can see when looking at this piece of fine art. Even in the shadows to the right of the work shows that a lot of design went into her artwork.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Mixed Media Final Drawing

Jaanika Peerna

Jaanika Peerna is an Estonian-born artist who has been working in New York since 1998. She tends to create drawings, videos, and light installations often dealing with transitions in light, air, wind, and water. The piece I chose is called, Ripples of gravity series 1. The media used is pigment and water on plastic paper. I chose this piece because I was drawn to the geometry of it. I also love that it has so much detail with just black, white, and grey as the color scheme.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


This piece of work is called “spill” and she used graphite and colored pencils on Mylar. I love her abstract pieces and her realistic take on this drawing. Her techniques make it look very realistic and there is a lot of contrast within the drawing, which is impressive.

Puff Series

This drawing by Jaanika Peerna is "Puff Series," and is 11 x 9 inches. It is graphite and pencil on mylar. I found Peernas artwork very intriguing I like how the images all show movement and appear flowy. I like how her drawings use line and lighting to create beautiful contrast. I also liked how definitive each line is.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Thaw Series 4

This piece of artwork is made on 2 layers of plastic paper which is 53x36 and the medium is granite and colored pencil. I chose this piece of artwork because it stood out to me the most out of all of her drawings. I love how loose it is and how simple the colors are. I usually do not like pieces like this because I do not understand how people can get money for something so simple like this. I sometimes say "hey maybe I can do that", but I have come to learn it depends on how the audience views the piece of artwork. This can take me back to a memory I have because it looks like something that I saw that day. Overall, I really like it and would honestly have it hanging up in my house.